Normal tertiary oil recovery isn ′ t fit for Zhongyuan oilfield with high reservoir temperature and formation water salinity. 鉴于中原油田地层温度高、地层水矿化度高,常规三次采油技术难以适应。
The application of the tertiary oil recovery technique has increased the output of China's old oilfields such as Daqing and Shengli by 300 to 700 percent and lowered their costs by 100 to 300 percent. 应用三次采油技术,使大庆、胜利油田单井提高产量3-7倍,成本下降1-3倍;
Research on the application of new type gemini surfactants in tertiary recovery 新型双子表面活性剂在三次采油中的应用研究
Pure surfactant was added into the alkali solution in order to simplify the flooding system. Research on Gemini Surfactant/ Hydrophobically Associating Water-soluble Polymer Binary System and Its Potential Application in Tertiary Oil Recovery 在碱溶液中添加单一的表面活性剂,简化了驱油体系。双子表面活性剂/疏水缔合水溶性聚合物二元体系的研究及在三次采油中的应用潜力
Research Progress of Temperature Resistant and Salt Resistant Polymers as Flooding Agent in Tertiary Oil Recovery 三次采油用耐温抗盐聚合物的研究进展
"2+ 3" EOR technology refers to limited tertiary recovery based on thoroughly secondary recovery. 2+3提高采收率技术是指在充分二次采油的基础上进行有限度的三次采油技术。
Economic evaluation method for tertiary recovery of chemical flooding in Liaohe Oilfield 辽河油田化学驱三次采油技术经济评价方法探讨
Synthesis and Properties of New Foaming Agent in Tertiary Oil Recovery 三次采油用新型发泡剂的合成及其性能研究
An Optimized ESI MS Method to Analyze the Sodium Alkyl Benzene Sulfonate Used for Tertiary Oil Recovery 优化电喷雾质谱分析三次采油用烷基苯磺酸盐方法
Research on Gemini Surfactant/ Hydrophobically Associating Water-soluble Polymer Binary System and Its Potential Application in Tertiary Oil Recovery 双子表面活性剂/疏水缔合水溶性聚合物二元体系的研究及在三次采油中的应用潜力
To consider and study on further EOR methods after tertiary recovery has a very important meaning to sustainable development of oil industry. 及早考虑和研究三次采油后进一步提高采收率的方法,对石油工业的可持续发展具有重要意义。
Since the object of the tertiary recovery is to treat the oil in micropores which is difficult to be produced, it is more necessary to know further the reservoir. 但是由于其采油对象是处理微观的孔隙中难以采出的油,深化认识油层就更为必要。
They focus on formation conformance efficiency and flushing efficiency, and all the recovery techniques are based on these two respects, and the corresponding techniques are called tertiary recovery or Enhanced Oil Recovery ( EOR). 他们关心地层的波及效率和冲刷效率,所有的驱替开采技术都基于这两个方面,按照技术的分类把它称为三次采油或称为提高采收率法采油。
Study on Economic Evaluation Method and Parameters of Polymer Injection Tertiary Recovery Projects 聚合物驱三次采油项目经济评价方法与参数研究
Practice and knowledge of tertiary recovery technique in DAQ in G Oilfield 大庆油田三次采油技术的实践与认识
Present Situation and Direction of Tertiary Recovery Technique in the Future in Daqing Oilfield 大庆油田三次采油技术研究现状及发展方向
The tertiary recovery is an important means of the enhanced oil recovery. 三次采油是提高采收率的一个重要手段。
In this research, an accurate 3D geological model is established for the investigation of low cost tertiary recovery through the reservoir description of the pilot test zone. 该研究通过开展试验区油藏描述研究,为低成本三次采油技术研究建立了可靠三维地质模型;
It can be used in secondary and tertiary oil recovery. 它们可以应用于二次和三次采油技术中。
The Improvement of the Quality of Technical Work for Tertiary Recovery by Polymer Flooding 提高聚合物驱三次采油技术工作质量
Study on the surfactant of alkyl benzene sulfonate used for tertiary recovery 三次采油用烷基苯磺酸盐类表面活性剂研究
Model SL3ZB& 37HJ triplex single action constant displacement reciprocating pump is developed according to the need of polymer injection in tertiary recovery. SL3ZB&37HJ型三缸单作用恒排量往复泵是针对油田注聚合物的需要而开发的。
Adjust well is the major method to increase preduction in the old oil field. The adjust well's cementing quality will directly affect the seperate zone production and well stimulation of the secondary and tertiary recovery and relate to improve recovery in old oilfield. 钻调整井是老油区挖潜的主要手段,而调整井固井质量的好坏直接影响着二、三次采油产层的分层处理和挖潜增效,关系到老油区提高采收率的问题。
Proved though laboratory tests, tracer's measuring accuracy is 2%~ 3% pore volume, which can meet the requirements of waterflooding development of mature oilfields and evaluation of tertiary recovery. 经实验室试验证实,示踪剂测试精度为2%~3%孔隙体积,可满足老油田水驱开发和三次采油评价等工作的需要。
After years of researches, chemical flooding, especially polymer flooding, has been accepted gradually by most reservoir engineers in our country, and developed into an effective tertiary recovery technology which adapts to our own situation. 经过多年的研究,化学驱,尤其是聚合物驱逐渐被我国的油藏工程师所接受,发展成为适合我国油藏实际情况的三次采油技术。
Tertiary recovery method for heterogeneous oil reservoirs 非均质油藏三次采油方法研究
In recent years, with the increase of oil exploitation, the major oil fields in China have entered tertiary recovery phase. 目前我国的各大油田已经进入三次采油阶段。
Most oil fields in China have reached the tertiary recovery stage. 中国的大部分油田已经进入三次采油阶段。
Compared the properties of the products, the most suitable surfactant for tertiary recovery was ultimately obtained. 通过对各种产品性质的比较,最终得到最适合用于三次采油的表面活性剂。